Average to Athlete: I’m Not Perfect. So What?!
No gimmicks. This is real.
I have progressed immensely since embarking on my health journey. I have seen weight loss upwards of 60 pounds and weight gains ballooning back 25 pounds. There have been bouts of depression, anxiety, and unrealistic expectations. Success has been prevalent as well: career success from improved confidence, mountain summits, and a high altitude half marathon. Along this roller coaster, these three points have been my guidelines. I’ve learned that good health can be achieved through a positive attitude, a consistent plan, and a tenacity for self improvement.
I enjoy writing for the HelloHealthy community, because it has given me a sounding board to continually grow. The comments and feedback from readers is raw. REAL people voicing their trials and tribulations. I cannot find a more welcoming and beautiful community. With that said, here is some advice I have picked up along the way.
Learn to accept less than perfection. Learn to fail. These have been difficult but rewarding lessons in my health journey. Coworkers bring cookies – and you eat them. Families make dinners – and you over-indulge. Friends go to bars – and you drink.
Temptation is ubiquitous and quick health trends are not sustainable. We are almost driven to lack self-control, self-esteem, and give into peer-pressure. We learn quickly that health equates to sacrifice. While there is truth in this, I invite you to take a different approach.
1. Health is moderation.
Health isn’t about denial, it’s about discipline. A healthy lifestyle revolves around moderation. Focus on making healthy decisions nine times out of ten. If you make one healthy decision today, try for two tomorrow. Never punish yourself for making mistakes. Brush off your shoulders and pick it back up, tomorrow is a new day.
2. Health is community.
Talk about your latest efforts. Share your experiences with your friends and family. Many of my friends experience similar struggles regarding health and weight control. We’re not perfect. Being open about our health invites others to inspire.
3. Health is consistency.
I used to think that I could flip a switch. Wellness, healthy eating, exercise… These are all habits that develop in our journey through life. It’s not something that we do tomorrow, it’s what we live every damn day. Our decisions right now influence our community and our future selves.
If you have any comments or feel like reaching out, I am open to conversation. Together we can be healthy and accepting of our real bodies, our real struggles, and our real lives. Keep moving forward and don’t give up. If my story has motivated you in anyway, please share with your friends and family.
Stay fit my friends.