alive\'s October 2021 Challenge: Make Time for Self-Care

Hey there, let’s say you’ve got a long weekend coming up. How will you fill that extra time?
a) Catch up on chores
b) Plan something exciting for the kids
c) Spend time with an aging parent or relative
d) Do something you love, like golfing or reading for pleasure
If you answered a), b), or c), ask yourself: Are you making enough time for self-care? Women in particular are twice as likely as men to act as a caregiver to someone in their life, and they may miss their own self-care in the process.
Self-care is a key component of good health, and it’s unique to each person—one person’s bubble bath is another’s mountain peak. It’s not the activity that matters, but how it relaxes or revives you. The steps you take this month will help you start (or improve) your self-care practice.
As you probably know by now, each week of alive’s 12 Months of Wellness focuses on one mini goal as a stepping stone toward the bigger monthly objective. You’ll find the weekly focuses with key tips below.

October 3-9: Connect with friends

  • Call a friend you haven’t spoken to for a while.
  • Schedule a movie night or game night.
  • Get outdoors and do something active together.

October 10-16: Do something fun for yourself

  • Create an at-home spa night, with a luxurious soak in the tub, facial mask, and pedicure.
  • Indulge in something special for yourself, like your favorite takeout or a new book.
  • Take a long walk, solo or with a partner.

October 17-23: Tackle something on your to-do list

  • Build that budget already!
  • Go full Marie Kondo with a declutter session.
  • Schedule important health appointments, like the dentist or eye doctor.

October 24-30: Customize a routine

  • Plan and prep your meals and snacks so you can save time and have your favorites on hand.
  • Track important metrics, like your budget and your workouts.
  • Reflect on the practices and routines you’ve created from past months, and tweak them if needed.


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